Monday, October 21, 2013

Visuals is worth a 1000 customers!

We all know the famous saying "a picture is worth a 1000 words", well that could not be more true in a social extent. People like to see visuals, graphics, videos and more to stay engaged. There is an increase in posts or tweets or blogs with embedded video or attached images. Sure words can be engaging, but what does the consumer notice first? A paragraph of words or a video clip leading into the paragraph...I would go with the video. More and more social platforms that deal with visuals are being used to engage consumers in this popular visual way. Platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and so on.

Newly added to those platforms are those such as: Vine, or Instagrams video option, or SnapChat. Businesses such as Dunkin' Donuts, Ford and GE have jumped on these formats to show their consumers a unique and different way to gain attention and possibly create shares. Not only are shares great for awareness but can help to measure the success of visuals. Shares can also lead to advocates who will then be marketing the brand for you.

Visual sharing has increased in the past year. People consider themselves "curators" of items they share or re-post. Vine for example is a way to grab peoples attention in a short, creative way. Unruly Media found that online videos are four times LESS likely to be shared then a Vine.

I know for myself I am more likely to watch a 30 second video then read a long blog. I would rather have something to look at then be reading. I notice that in this generation everything is about image and design. Everything has to be appealing in some way and using visuals is a great way to do that.
Check out what these brands have done with their visual social approach.
Dunkin' Donuts

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